Air Studios

Industry Insights #22 - Orchestrator, Conductor and Composer: Òscar Senén

Industry Insights #22 - Orchestrator, Conductor and Composer: Òscar Senén

Òscar Senén chats to us about his exciting career working alongside Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe as an orchestrator on films/series such as No Time To Die, The Crown (Netflix) and The Lego Batman Movie. In his own right, Oscar is a composer and has recently provided additional music for ‘The Monkey King’ an anticipated film in China.

Industry Insights #3 - Shooting Director: Dan Coffey

Industry Insights #3 - Shooting Director:  Dan Coffey

Dan Coffey has worked closely with Chromium Music Group over the past 12 months, filming behind the scenes footage at recording sessions held at AIR and Abbey Road Studios. We sat down to chat to him as part of the Industry Insight series to understand his creative inspiration, get to know his guilty pleasures and learn how he troubleshooting process.